Digital Imaging | Photography | Scanning
Our visuals are always crisp and beautiful because we know the techniques and technologies that go into creating compelling imagery. Scanning, digital photography and photo retouching services are all served up with a keen eye and a meticulous hand so that all of your imaging needs are fulfilled with gorgeous precision.
Perfect Pictures
Picture-THIS has stock images that can be adapted to communicate your message within virtually any budget and for those premier projects, we can produce commissioned works that will be absolutely yours and yours alone. You can even trust us to help you re-use, rescue and refine your existing images - just as we help our other gallery and professional display manager clients.
Powerful Images
As pure art, images can evoke the full range of human emotional response including: pride, humour, fear, pity, sadness, love, whimsy, anger and joy. In business communications, when this capacity is used judiciously it gives images the power to capture the heart, inspire the soul and motivate action. In a carefully chosen supporting role, images can both communicate key business messages as well as set a mood or tone that provides a positive context for interacting with clients, employees and business partners.
If well-chosen images can enlighten and strengthen business communications, unsuitable or innapropriate images can therefore, have an equal but negative effect. As a first contact point, marketing materials must present your business positively in often the briefest of timespans. There must be synchronicity between, layout, text and imagery to provide a cohesive narrative. Poor choices in any of these areas can result in perception problems but images, because of their immediate impact, have the most power to aid, or harm the cause. The wrong imagery can almost instantly provoke completely unintended laughter, pity or concern in the viewing audience which can cement a host of undesirable impressions.
Picture-THIS can help you choose or create images that convey your intended messages, clearly. Whether stock or commissioned, we make sure that subject matter, composition and tone of the pictures brings out the best in your marketing materials.
Precise Application
Picture-THIS uses an integrated approach to sales, marketing, design and production to create the images used in all marketing activities including: conferences, corporate communications, product branding, business identification, campaigns, exhibits, shows, presentations, retail displays, training and events. This entails marrying messages with visuals that not only compell a positive response, but also work flawlessly in the appropriate media.
Regardless of the size or scope of your project, we believe in providing a complete solution, one that serves well today and tomorrow by:
- applying the right digital imaging techniques: re-touching, enhancing, balancing, correcting and creating entirely new images require both artistic skill and technical prowess are all possibilities using the right equipment, software and knowledge and Picture-THIS will apply those techniques correctly each and every timed
- choosing correct resolutions and formats
- delivering finalised, ready-to-go files
- considering alternate and future uses
Beyond the current project, we will always encouage you to consider alternate and future uses for your images to insure image suitability and to maximize your budget.